I am happy to announce that I have finally lifted myself off of my lazy posterior and released the 0.1 (‘Zedoon’) version of my collection of Java tools. UQCLib is intended to be helpful and fun. This initial release contains as its main feature a form of peuso-closures for Java. You can read more about that here.
Documentation, code examples, and downloads are all available from the GitHub project page. The code is provided under the Apache License 2.0, and all are welcome to contribute. Now that everything is set up, I expect version 0.2 to arrive much faster. If you’re on GitHub follow the repository to see the updates as they come. 0.2 (‘Coreidae’) will focus on logging and simple state machines, and should be arriving around August.
Please enjoy, and feedback is appreciated! Email me at uqclib AT unquietcode DOT com.